Home to Me

At Regis, we’re committed to making you feel at home, whatever home means to you. All of our people take the time to get to know you. From our carers and nurses, to our catering and lifestyle teams, we’re here to make you feel at home.

From gardening to games, poetry to painting, nothing is too much for us. As well as making you feel at home within the residence, we also ensure our residents stay engaged with the community if they wish to and regularly organise trips and excursions.

Pop in for a chat in any of our residences to find out how we can make you feel at home.

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Home to me is being around family.”

For many of us, our home is our family. After living together under the one roof for 60 years, Shirley and her son Peter were very reluctantly separated when Shirley needed to move into residential care. Peter did everything to make Shirley feel at home, including requesting flowers in his mother’s room for her when she arrived (which we of course organised), but the time apart caused Shirley and Peter to miss each other terribly. Some months later, when Admissions Coordinator at Regis Dandenong North, Jackie Paull learned that Peter had been put into respite care at another home after a setback with his health, she knew how important it was for mother and son to be together again – so she put everything in place to make this happen. Needless to say, the day Peter arrived at Regis Dandenong North and reunited with his Mum was very emotional, with lots of hugs, kisses, and tears of joy. Both Peter and Shirley were finally home.


Home to me is tending to my own personal garden.”

Andrew joined the Regis community in January 2021 and the team were eager to help him settle in. Our Lifestyle team understood that Andrew was a keen gardener and, without hesitation, jumped at the opportunity to build him a personal garden bed. Currently, his patch boasts a selection of spring onions, lettuces, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, cucumber, broccoli and rosemary. Andrew says that he wants to see how these crops grow, and then see what else is possible. The community at the home are looking forward to trying his delicious, organic selection of produce.
