Star Ratings

What are Star Ratings?

Star Ratings help you compare the quality of residential aged care homes. The rating system has been recommended by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety to simplify the choice of aged care homes for older Australians.

Regis supports this initiative to help you feel more comfortable in your care choice.

If you have a question about a Home’s star rating, please speak to the Home’s General Manager. Alternatively, we welcome you to call or email our Regis Advice Team on 1300 998 100 or

What are the benefits of Star Ratings?

  • They give you a greater understanding of how an aged care service is performing
  • You can benchmark any home against other homes using nationally consistent quality measures
  • You can see how homes improve over time through improved Star Ratings
  • It gives each home an opportunity to showcase its performance and the quality of care they provide it provides

What do the Stars mean?

Aged care homes receive an overall Star Ratings between 1 and 5 stars. This is based on the four sub-categories: Resident Experience, Compliance, Staffing and Quality Measures.

Star Ratings - Overall


Star Ratings - Categories




The Compliance Rating looks at whether an aged care home is meeting government regulations and standards. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission checks aspects of care including quality, safety, financial matters, and management.

An aged care home with a 1-star rating means that a decision such as a sanction has been made in response to a high level of risk to people receiving aged care. A 5-star rating reflects a 3-year period with no non-compliance decisions and an accreditation period of at least 3 years.

The Compliance Rating contributes 30% to the overall Star Rating.

  • If an aged care home receives a Compliance Rating of 1 star, the overall Star Rating will be capped at 1 star.
  • If an aged care home receives a Compliance Rating of 2 stars, the overall Star Rating will be capped at 2 stars.

Quality Measures

The Quality Measures Rating describes the quality and safety of care in aged care homes in relation to five key areas of care. These areas are important indicators of whether a home is providing high quality care to its residents. Quality Measures looks at incidents at the home and compares these results to the national average.

The five Quality Measures are:

  • pressure injuries
  • physical restraint
  • unplanned weight loss
  • falls and major injury, and
  • medication management.

The Quality Measures Rating contributes 15% to the overall Star Rating.

Resident Experience

The Residents’ Experience Rating considers how residents feel about the quality of care they receive in their aged care homes. It’s based on surveys from residents gathered by an independent team. It looks at their experiences of:

  • safety
  • treatment from staff
  • food standards, and
  • feelings of independence and belonging.

The Residents’ Experience Rating contributes 33% to the overall Star Rating.


The Staffing Rating looks at the amount of care being provided by nursing and personal care staff in an aged care home. It tells you whether aged care homes are meeting their care requirements in relation to:

  • the total minutes of nursing and personal care being provided to each resident each day, and
  • the care from a registered nurse to each resident each day.

The Staffing Rating contributes 22% to the overall Star Rating.

Star ratings can be accessed from via the “Find a Provider” tab and searching for a Home by either location or name. Don’t forget that Star Ratings are updated frequently and may change over time.
