
This week at Regis Chelmer, we celebrate the heart and soul of our community—our incredible volunteers, who are also cherished residents. Their dedication and passion bring joy and connection to our Home every day.

Meet Dawn, an energetic force of kindness who began her volunteer journey in March 2021. Dawn takes pride in distributing mail to her fellow residents, a role that keeps her active and deeply connected within our community. Every day, she brightens the lives of residents and employees, forging friendships and bringing smiles wherever she goes.

We also celebrate Flo, whose piano sessions transform our lounge into a vibrant concert hall every Monday afternoon. With each note she plays, Flo not only showcases her lifelong musical talent but also creates a therapeutic escape for our residents. Her performances—ranging from classical pieces to nostalgic tunes—are a highlight of the week and a source of joy and comfort.

These stories of Dawn and Flo are just a glimpse of the spirit and generosity that our volunteers bring to Regis Chelmer. They don’t just volunteer, they make a difference.

Thank you for everything you do.

NVW 2024