
Dementia Action Week (16-22 September) is a crucial time to raise awareness, reduce stigma and promote understanding of this condition that affects so many at Regis. This year’s theme is about educating and making positive improvements to our community.

Recently, residents, employees, family and friends of Regis Maroochydore spent an evening rocking out at a rockabilly event to raise funds for Dementia Australia.

Regis Maroochydore’s Office Manager, Melonie, saw that there was a fundraiser for Dementia Australia and thought it would be the perfect fundraiser for the Home.

“A lot of our residents are living with dementia so it’s something close to our hearts. We felt it was the perfect fundraiser to bring awareness to residents, employees and visitors to the Home,” said Regis Maroochydore’s General Manager, Nicola Watt.

Music and entertainment were courtesy of the well-known Sunshine Coast band, Michelle Brown Duo, who sang for two hours and were even brought back on for an encore.

Michelle from the duo interacted and danced with residents, as well as played special requests and amused residents with a number supported by Regis Lifestyle Coordinators Karine and Nikki as back up dancers.

To transform the event into a truly special one, attendees went that extra mile to dress up and decorate the Home, which included visiting OP shops and crafting their own costumes, to create an atmosphere of vibrancy and excitement. Period appropriate memorabilia was also organised, which included a 1960s mannequin named Esmerelda, numerous signs and a petrol pump.

Although everybody looked fantastic, it was resident Alan Carmichael who took out the best dressed male, while employee Debbie Hallett was awarded best dressed female. Both were awarded a $50 meal voucher for Rick’s Garage in Palmwoods.

No event is complete without suitable food and drink. On the menu were sandwiches, popcorn, donuts, glass bottles of Coke-a-Cola and blue heaven milkshakes.

Residents were still buzzing for days after the event, proving that it’s going to be one they remember for a long time to come.

“All of the team at Regis Maroochydore are extremely passionate about the residents they care for and the work they do,” said Nicola.

The event raised almost $1,000 for Dementia Australia. Funds were raised by employees who nominated themselves to walk for the cause and posted a link to the social media pages for friends and family to donate. Some residents and their families also contributed prior to and on the night of the event.

At Regis, we believe in finding every opportunity to gather in the service of a good cause that directly benefits our residents.