
The Chief Executive Women’s Senior Executive Census 2024, now in its eighth year, tracks the annual progress of women’s representation in senior leadership teams across Australia. While this year’s report reveals that progress in ASX300 companies has stalled, we are pleased to announce that Regis has performed well.

Regis is one of only 25 companies in the Top ASX300 to have a female CEO, and we rank in the Top 30 for the percentage of women in the Executive Leadership Team. Women constitute 80% of our total workforce, 50% of our Executive Leadership Team, and 57% of our Board. We are proud of our achievements in gender pay equity and other areas of diversity and inclusion. Over the past four years, we have successfully closed the gender pay gap through targeted reviews and actions.

Dr Linda Mellors, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, stated, “At Regis, we understand the value of diverse leadership and are committed to fostering an inclusive, flexible and respectful workplace. Although this report highlights our success, we plan to do more to enhance diversity in all forms across our business and leadership roles.”

At Regis, we have embedded diversity and inclusion principles throughout our recruitment process, conduct annual pay equity reviews to address any anomalies, benchmark all salaried positions, and set clear targets and strategies to increase the number of women in senior management roles.

Regis is continuously improving its approach to diversity and inclusion. To learn more about our initiatives, please refer to our 2024 Annual Report.