Aged Care Podiatry Services

Podiatry Services within Day Centres

Regis aged care podiatry services can be found at our day therapy centres. We offer a range of allied health services such as physiotherapy, podiatry services and much more. It is a great place to be active and stay fit, whilst being supported.

Our podiatry services are available for people with medical conditions such as diabetic related complications, vision impairment, peripheral neuropathy or peripheral vascular disease.

We all take our feet for granted and we forget how much we rely on them. At Regis aged care podiatry, we will provide an assessment of your foot health – which includes:

  • Examining skin integrity
  • Pressure areas of your feet
  • Excess skin build up
  • Monitor any circulation issues

Book a Free Consultation


For those interested in accessing our day therapy centres for podiatry services, a referral needs to be obtained from your local GP, hospital staff, health agencies or aged care assessment teams.

To find out more information about our podiatry services, book a free consultation or contact us on 1300 998 100 to speak to one of our friendly staff.