Understanding Fees and Charges

Range of fees and services

Regis provides a range of aged care services with various fees and charges at our Homes

When moving into an aged care home you may be required to pay a one-off payment or deposit, as well as ongoing fees for your care, accommodation and daily living expenses. These can include a basic daily fee, a means-tested care fee, an accommodation payment and fees for extra or additional services.

The Australian Government subsidises a range of aged care services in Australia but residents with means contribute to the cost of their care and accommodation.


What types of fees and charges are there?

In residential aged care you might be required to pay one or more of the following fees:

A basic daily fee

This covers living costs such as meals, utilities, cleaning and laundry. For some people this is the only fee they are required to pay.

A means-tested care fee

This is an additional contribution towards the cost of care and not all people that move into aged care will be required to pay it. The Department of Human Services will make an assessment to see if you need to pay this fee. This assessment is based on an evaluation of your income and assets, and they will advise you of the amount.

There are annual and lifetime caps in place to limit the amount of the means-tested care fee you will need to pay. This means tested care fee offsets a reduction in the subsidy paid to providers for residents with means.

An accommodation payment

This is for your accommodation in the aged care home.

Some people will have their accommodation costs met in full or in part by the Australian Government, while others will need to pay the accommodation price agreed with the aged care home.

Note: As of 1 July 2014 the Australian Government changed the way older Australians entering aged care pay for their accommodation costs. All residents who can afford to have the choice of paying for their accommodation through a Daily Accommodation Payment or Contribution or a Refundable Accommodation Deposit or Contribution, or a combination of both. To find out more about these changes please visit www.myagedcare.gov.au

Fees for extra or additional services: additional fees may apply if you choose a higher standard of accommodation or additional services. These vary from Home to Home. Further information is available from the Home.

Need more information? We’re here to help

Call 1300 998 100 to find out more about Regis’ services. Our friendly Advice team can assist you in choosing an aged care home and provide step-by-step guidance through the aged care process.
