Switch your Home Care Package today

Looking for change?

If you have a current Home Care Provider and are looking for a change, talk to our team to understand how you can switch.

Remember, you are able to change providers at any time.

We’ll take care of all the paperwork and work with you to tailor a care package around your needs and budget.

If you want to change to Regis, just call one of our Home Care specialists on 1300 998 100.

Switch today


1. Talk to our Home Care Team

Call us on 1300 998 100 to chat to our Home Care specialists to discuss your health and wellbeing needs. We’ll be able to develop a care plan aligned to your needs.

2. Call My Aged Care

Call 1800 200 422 to let My Aged Care know that you would like to transfer your package over to Regis Home Care. Make sure to write down your new referral code.

3. Confirm and switch

Get in contact with Regis Home Care to confirm the date when your services will end with your current provider. Our team will arrange a time to meet with you to finalise your care plan, ensuring it’s right for you.

4. Schedule your start date

Once you have your end date with your current provider, contact our team and we’ll arrange a start date for your services.

Switch today

Why Regis Home Care?

Our friendly, personal approach to in-home care means we understand all the little things that make living at home easier.

Regis Home Care provides the support you need to safely stay at home and remain connected within your local community.

We know how important it is for you to have control over what you do and when you do it, to feel supported while you do the things you love and have some help with the things around your home that have got a bit harder than they used to be.

Currently servicing six locations across Australia, we are passionate about aligning the services we offer to the varying needs of our valued clients.

Switch today
