Why Regis

Helping you live happily at home

It is now easier than ever to stay at home. With Regis you can get the extra support you might need, like an extra pair of hands to help around the house, or help with the shopping or simply have someone there to sit and have a warming cup of coffee with.

Aged care experts who come to you

Regis people care. Regis has been providing quality aged care for 20 years. The quality care and support you’d have in an aged care residence, without having to leave the comfort of your own home.


Great people make it feel easy

Asking for help can be uncomfortable for some people. We do our best to make you feel like nothing is too much trouble. Because nothing is too much trouble. Our highly-trained staff will spend a lot of time getting to know you, and what you need, so they’ll know how you like things done. And we won’t send someone different each time. So you get the care and support you need, from someone you know, who cares for you and your needs.


Recognised excellence in care

Regis is recognised for the quality of its care, from home care and daily respite care to residential and specialist ageing services. All our services are fully accredited and undergo stringent assessments on a regular basis.


Quality care, whatever your situation

We offer a full range of home care services including government-funded packages, privately-funded packages and a large range of additional services.

A Client Services Manager will make sure the services you get meet your changing needs, a Registered Nurse makes sure your health remains our number one priority and a wide range of health professionals work hard to help you stay in your home for as long as possible.
