
May is a special time of year when we have the opportunity to celebrate and honour the mothers in our lives. At Regis Birkdale this month was marked with a series of fantastic activities organised by the dedicated Lifestyle team. These events were designed to show appreciation for the lovely mothers residing at Regis Birkdale and give them a well-deserved opportunity to indulge and pamper themselves.

One of the highlights of this month-long celebration was the weekly Ladies Spa session, where all the mothers had the chance to treat themselves to a day of relaxation and rejuvenation. The atmosphere was carefully curated to create a serene and tranquil environment, allowing the mothers to unwind and immerse themselves in pure bliss. The dedicated team at Regis Birkdale arranged various treatments to cater to every mother’s preferences and needs.

The spa sessions included luxurious foot spas, soothing hand massages, indulgent facials, and even nail painting. Each mother was encouraged to embrace self-care and enjoy the pampering experience. The aromas of essential oils and soft, calming music filled the air, creating an ambiance of pure serenity. The professional therapists provided gentle, skilled care, ensuring that everyone felt truly spoiled and cherished.

Cheryl, one of the residents, shared her gratitude for the spa session, expressing, “Every mother deserves the treatment we had today—a lovely massage and foot spa. We felt very spoiled today.” Her words echoed the sentiment of all the residents who had the pleasure of participating in the spa sessions. The experience was not only physically rejuvenating but also emotionally uplifting, allowing them to feel appreciated and loved.

Nerida, another resident, expressed her delight with the entire preparation for the spa session, stating, “The whole preparation for today’s spa was just amazing. It was a very relaxing and beautiful afternoon shared with good friends.” The sense of community and friendship among the mothers enhanced the overall experience, making it a memorable occasion filled with laughter, shared stories, and joy.

Regis Birkdale’s commitment to providing exceptional care goes beyond the physical wellbeing of its residents. The inclusion of special activities like the Ladies Spa sessions showcases the residence’s dedication to promoting holistic wellness and ensuring that the mothers receive the attention and appreciation they truly deserve.

As May draws to a close, the mothers of Regis Birkdale can look back on this month with fond memories of the pampering and care they received. The beautiful activities organised by the Lifestyle team allowed them to relax, rejuvenate, and feel cherished.

It served as a reminder of the immense love and gratitude we hold for the mothers in our lives, not just during this special month but throughout the year.

Regis Birkdale’s commitment to honouring and celebrating its residents is truly commendable. By creating an environment that promotes self-care and appreciation, they have shown how small gestures can make a significant impact on the wellbeing and happiness of their residents.