
When the team at Regis Macleod asked our residents “what does Home mean to you,” it gave our residents an opportunity to reflect on what they value and treasure the most. Home means different things to different people, and at Regis Macleod, everyone has a unique perspective. To Doreen Tuffield, “Home means having the freedom to do what makes me happy; listening to music, doing housework and looking after family.” To Patricia Nagy, “Home means a loving family, being involved in their everyday life, knowing they are safe and looking after Cookie the dog.” Les Bunney feels “Home means my friendships here at Regis Macleod, particularly with Chris.”

Feeling at Home is something everyone needs and deserves, and our team at Regis Macleod prioritises this by ensuring everyone’s care is individualised and exceeding their expectations. To see more responses from our residents at Regis Macleod, watch the video below.