
The Olympic Games are an opportunity to unify people whilst participating in friendly and fair play. Although the next Olympic Games aren’t until next year, the members of the Lifestyle team at Regis North Fremantle were inspired by last month’s theme of ‘celebrating sport’ to host their own version of this event and extended the invitation to neighbouring Regis Homes around Perth.  

More than 40 residents from Regis Como, Regis Woodlands and Regis Port Coogee came to Regis North Fremantle to take part in this engaging event, alongside family members and employees. 

The competition was broken into five different activities: bean bag toss, quoits, Connect 4, bowling and balloon volleyball which were inspired by some of their all-time favourite activities. The multi-Home event was an engaging way to promote physical health and emotional wellbeing in a unique and social way. 

Lifestyle Coordinator at Regis Como, Manpreet, was immensely grateful to be invited to the event: “All of our residents loved it and really appreciated the team at Regis North Fremantle for organising — they had a lot of fun.”  

Charlotte, the Lifestyle Coordinator at Regis North Fremantle said the Regis Interhome Olympics was a tremendous success.  

“Our residents had a wonderful time getting to know each other and partaking in some friendly competition,” she said “The weather was perfect and the energy was electric. We are already looking forward to our next Olympic Games.”