Providing Feedback

Providing feedback

We are committed to providing the best experience for our residents and clients.

Regis is a recognised leader in aged care with a dedicated team of more than 9,000 employees. Our point of difference is in the way we provide care to our residents and clients which is attributed to our commitment to providing person centred care at every level of our service.

We value the feedback of our residents, clients families and love hearing about what we are doing well. Likewise, we value all feedback, suggestions or ideas on what we can do to improve and we welcome the opportunity to resolve any concerns you may have.

How can you provide feedback?

There are many ways in which you can provide a compliment, concern or suggestion about care and services at Regis.

Talk to our employees

Please discuss any compliments, concerns or suggestions with the employee caring for you or ask to speak to:

  • The Clinical Care Manager, Assistant Manager or General Manager at the Home
  • The Manager of the service

Each of our residential aged care facilities also have a monthly resident and relative meeting where all feedback is welcome to be raised and discussed. We also conduct regular experience surveys at our Homes through a system called CarePage, to understand how we are tracking across a broad range of areas such as cleanliness, food and safety.

Provide your feedback in writing

If you prefer to provide your compliment, concern or suggestion in writing, feedback forms are available in every Regis Home and service. You can leave your name or provide feedback anonymously. If you do leave your name, please indicate if you’d like a response and we will get back to you.

Alternatively, you can send a letter to our Regis Head Office, Level 2, 293 Camberwell Road, Camberwell VIC 3124. Please include the name of the Home or service the feedback relates to so we can respond appropriately. We will respond as quickly as we can. Please note if you do not wish us to reply.

Contact Regis Advice

If you don’t want to raise your compliment, concern or feedback with the Home or service, we welcome you to call or email our Regis Advice Team on 1300 998 100 or The team works 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm on Saturdays and 10am-4pm on Sundays (AEST). You can leave your name or provide anonymous feedback, whichever you’re most comfortable with.

Contact Shareline

If you feel there are things we should know but are more comfortable telling someone else, please contact Shareline. They are an external group who are able to pass your feedback onto us. You can contact Shareline by calling 1300 987 621. They will ensure your feedback is kept anonymous if you wish.

External Bodies

Most feedback at Regis is able to be resolved at the Home/service and we always welcome the opportunity to speak with you directly about any concerns you may have. However, if you don’t feel that we have addressed your concerns adequately, there are a number of external bodies that provide free services to assist with advocacy and complaints resolution.

Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)

Through their advocacy service, the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) can support residents, clients and families to understand and exercise their rights and have their voice heard on the issues that are important to them. You can contact them on 1800 700 600 or for more information refer to

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provides a free complaints resolution service. You can contact them on 1800 951 822 or for more information refer to

NDIS Complaints Commission

Regis is a National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) provider and for residents or clients that are NDIS participants, you are also able to raise your feedback directly with the NDIS Complaints Commission. They can be contacted on 1800 035 544 or for more information refer to This is separate and independent to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

How long will it take?

We will acknowledge your feedback as soon as it is received. All compliments are shared with the relevant employees. If your feedback relates to a concern or suggestion, we will appoint the most appropriate employee to review the issue and ensure appropriate next steps are in place. Most concerns or suggestions can be addressed within a few days. More complex matters may take a number of weeks. We are committed to working with you through this process and will keep you updated if there is any delay.

How can you provide feedback in another language?

If you speak a language other than English and wish to provide feedback:

  • Contact Regis Advice during business hours and we can arrange a phone call with an interpreter if required.
  • Write to us or email us in your own language and we will arrange for your letter to be translated.

Can you give me assistance to provide feedback?

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a visual impairment, let us know the best way to communicate with you. We can arrange video remote interpreters in Auslan, tactile deaf and blind and note taking to assist us to communicate with each other. Regis also welcomes calls through the National Relay Service.

For more information about the National Relay Service, visit the NRS website or contact the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660.

What do we do with feedback information?

After we have addressed your compliment, concern or suggestion, there are lots of ways that the information shapes what we do at Regis.

We monitor and track de-identified feedback data monthly – at a Home, service, Executive and Board level – to look at numbers, trends, themes and outcomes. We look for what we are consistently doing well and what organisation wide changes we may need to make in response to any themes or trends that are identified. Feedback data is also shared freely at our resident and relative meetings.