Partners in Care

Partners in Care Program

Visitor restrictions are difficult for everyone and Regis recognises and values the important contributions family and friends make to the wellbeing of their loved ones.

Keeping residents connected with their families and loved ones is crucial to maintaining the emotional and mental wellbeing of residents, particularly during periods of visitor restrictions or lockdown due to COVID-19.

Regis is responding to this need with the introduction of the Partners in Care Program.

Expression of Interest Form

The Regis Partners in Care Program will allow visitors to continue visiting their loved ones as safely as possible during periods of restricted visitation. The program is designed to help visitors to continue their care visits in a manner that manages risk in a measured way. Partners in Care work in partnership with the team at the Home and will receive education around infection prevention and control, and supporting residents in day-to-day activities.

Who can be a Partner in Care?

A Partner in Care is a person over the age of 16 years old who has a close and continuing relationship with their resident – such as a partner, family member, loved one, friend or representative. This person frequently visits the resident to provide aspects of regular routine care and companionship.

A Partner in Care is not a casual visitor, a visitor not providing an aspect of care, or a visitor who the resident does not want to have assisting with their care.

The Partner in Care eligibility criteria is as follows:

  • aged 16 years or over
  • frequently visits the resident to provide aspects of regular routine care and companionship
  • has the required COVID-19 vaccinations and can provide evidence of these (two COVID-19 vaccination doses and where relevant a booster dose)
  • physical ability to perform certain tasks, e.g. assistance with meals, walking, etc.
  • the ability to communicate effectively and respectively with the resident and employees, and comply with the Regis Visitors’ Code of Conduct
  • the ability to follow infection prevention and control directions, and other directions from employees
  • where able to, that consent has been provided by the resident, or the person holding their enduring power of attorney (EPOA) or next of kin (NOK) has provided approval
  • the ability to and willingness to comply with COVID-19 legislative directions and requirements outlined by the State Public Health Units.

How do I become a Partner in Care?

  • Complete the Expression of Interest form.
  • Contact, or speak to the General Manager or Clinical Care Manager at the Home.
  • Following confirmation that you meet the eligibility criteria to be a Partner in Care, you will need to complete a two-part training program.
  • For the first part, you will be provided with an information training pack via email with links to some online training videos that you will need to watch. If you need assistance to access the training, we can help you with this. The training videos will go through infection prevention and control information, show you how to conduct hand hygiene and will go through other important aspects, such as how to safely provide meal assistance for a resident. The training videos will take approximately one hour to complete.
  • The second part of the training is a 45–minute face-to-face session at the Home with a member of the clinical or management team. At this face-to-face session, the employee will go through the important points from the training videos and answer any questions that you may have. They will also ask you to complete and sign a checklist to ensure you understand all the information and have completed the hand hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment practical session.
  • Once this has been completed, the Partner in Care arrangement is ready to proceed.

How can I find out further information?

Contact, or speak to the General Manager or Clinical Care Manager at the Home.

The Partners in Care Program provides information on COVID-19 infection control, hygiene protocols and taking care of volunteers and others. It is not clinical guidance for health or aged care workers. There is a visitor criteria process in place for residential care home visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to ensure that risk is appropriately managed in each individual care home, particularly in the event of a care home being closed to visitors. Visitation restrictions are subject to change without notice.

Expression of Interest Form