Regis Governance

Regis Governance

Regis is committed to good governance and the responsible and ethical operation of our business. This page sets out our governance charters, policies and codes of conduct that form the framework for ensuring good governance at Regis.

Regis Healthcare Ltd Board and committees – governance and policies

The Regis Healthcare Board monitors the operational and financial position and performance of Regis and oversees its business strategy including approving the strategic objectives, plans and budgets. The Board is committed to maximising performance to deliver quality care and services to our residents and clients. In conducting Regis’ operations, the Board seeks to ensure that Regis is well managed to meet our quality of care objectives for our residents and clients and protect and enhance stakeholder interests, and that Regis, its Directors, officers and personnel operate in an appropriate environment of corporate governance.

The Board delegates the responsibility for the day-to-day management of Regis to the Managing Director/CEO, but retains responsibility for the overall strategy, governance and performance of Regis.

The Board has adopted a formal Board Charter that details the Board’s role, authority, responsibilities, membership and operations. The Charter sets out the matters specifically reserved to the Board and the powers delegated to Board Committees.

Constitution for Regis Healthcare Limited (PDF)
Board Charter (PDF)

Board Committees

The Regis Healthcare Board recognises the importance of an appropriate committee structure to assist the efficient and effective operation of the Board. The Board has four committees. These are the:

  • Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee;
  • People and Remuneration Committee;
  • Clinical Governance and Care Committee; and
  • Property Committee

Each Committee has adopted a formal Board approved Charter that details its role, authority, responsibilities, membership and operations.

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Charter (PDF)
People and Remuneration Committee Charter (PDF)
Clinical Governance and Care Committee Charter (PDF)
Property Committee Charter (PDF)


Regis embraces diversity in all its forms by welcoming our residents, clients, families and employees for who they are and what they bring. We nurture an inclusive and safe environment where everyone is heard, respected and valued.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF)
Regis Gender Equality Agency Public Report – Public Questionnaire 2023-24 (PDF)
Regis Gender Equality Agency Public Report – Workforce Profile Table 2023-24 (PDF)
Regis Gender Equality Agency Public Report – Workforce Management Statistics 2023-24 (PDF)
Regis Workplace Gender Equality Agency – Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement 2022-2023 (PDF)

Ensuring responsible and ethical behaviour from our people and in our business activities

Regis’s core values are set out in the ‘Regis Way’ which explains the values and expectations of Regis employees, Senior Executives and Directors. The Regis Values are:

  • Optimism – we are enthusiastic about what we do
  • Passion – we make a positive difference every day
  • Integrity – we act in a professional and ethical manner at all times
  • Respect – we listen, we are polite and treat every person with courtesy

Code of Conduct

Regis has a formal Code of Conduct which reflects the Regis’s values of integrity, honesty, and respect. The Code outlines how Regis expects its representatives to behave and conduct business in the workplace and includes legal compliance and guidelines on appropriate ethical standards.

All Regis staff (including temporary employees, contractors, Senior Executives) and Directors must comply with the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct (PDF)

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

The Regis Healthcare Board has adopted the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy which supports Regis’ commitment to a high level of integrity and ethical standards in all of its business practices. The purpose of the Policy is to set clear standards for how all directors, employees, agents and contractors should behave, to prevent bribery and corruption in Regis’ business practices.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (PDF)

Whistleblower reporting

Employees are encouraged to report unlawful or unethical conduct either direct to their manager or the People and Culture Team or under Regis’s Whistleblower Protection Policy to the Company Secretary or our independent reporting hotline called STOPline. Management reports to the Regis Healthcare Board on a monthly basis (or more frequently if necessary) in relation to all whistleblower reports.

Whistleblower Protection Policy (PDF)

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Regis welcomes feedback from all members of the Regis Community. There are a range of options available for providing feedback to Regis about the quality of our care and services. Avenues include providing feedback directly to our managers, through the Regis Advice Team or through our independently operated feedback line called Regis Shareline.

Modern Slavery

Regis is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our business relationships. This includes taking steps to ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory human labour, human trafficking, child labour, debt bondage and deceptive recruiting for labour (collectively known as “Modern Slavery”) in any part of our business or in our supply chain. Regis has developed a Modern Slavey Code of Conduct and expects our service providers and contractors to adhere to this code of conduct.

Modern Slavery Statement (PDF)

Continuous Disclosure Policy

Regis places a high priority on communication with Shareholders and is aware of the obligations under the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules, to keep the market fully informed of any information concerning Regis that is not generally available and that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of the Regis’s securities.

Regis Healthcare Board has adopted a Continuous Disclosure Policy that establishes procedures to ensure that Directors and senior management are aware of and fulfil their obligations in relation to the timely disclosure of material price-sensitive information.

Continuous Disclosure Policy (PDF)

Dealing in securities

The Regis Healthcare Board has adopted a Policy for Dealing in Securities which sets out the types of conduct in dealings in securities that are prohibited under the Corporations Act and establishes a best practice procedure for the trading of securities that protects Regis and Directors and employees against the misuse of unpublished information that could materially affect the value of securities.

The Policy applies to all Directors, officers and Senior Executives of Regis Healthcare and its related bodies corporate, other designated employees specified by the Board and connected persons of Directors, officers, Senior Executives and designated employees.

Policy for Dealing in Securities (PDF)

Corporate Governance Statement

Corporate Governance Statement 2024 (PDF)

